Tuesday 21 January 2014

Farewell from Lilyesque, Hello to Vintage Cat

Happy New Year to everyone and I hope you have a fantastic 2014.
My business has now sadly closed, but on the bright side I am setting off in a new direction with my new business Vintage Cat.
I am also starting a new blog http://www.vintagecat.co.uk/blog, I intend to blog more often that I have been but as you can imagine at the beginning it's going to be pretty busy so I will try.  I am trying to get to grips with Wordpress to build my website and the blog will also be included in this.

This table and chair has already been snapped up and the lady who bought it couldn't be happier as she said it was unique and she hadn't ever seen anything like it on Ebay.
So onward and upward I say, I would like to thank everyone who reads or has ever read this blog and hope you will carry on supporting me in my new venture.